Glass of Thrones was a project I worked with through Jelly London with Publicis, commissioned by the Northern Irish Tourist Board. As the season finale was approaching, it was my task alongside artist Carim Nahaboo, to help design these immense faux stained-glass installations. Our aim was to encapsulate each house from the series Game of Thrones within one colourful, engaging image, to be placed around Belfast in a trail leading fans all around the capital of “Game of Thrones Territory”. Carim designed the line art for all the windows by hand and I vectorised and coloured each piece digitally. The designs were then lead printed and hand painted by a local Irish artist.

Client: Tourism NI
Agency: Publicis
Studio: Jelly London
Producers: Ross Frame & Nicki Field
Designers: Carim Nahaboo & Jacob M Wolf
Painter: Debra Wenlock